May 20, 2018

Finishing Strong, Finishing Safe

This is the time of year when I typically prepare an end-of-year message reflecting on the successes of the school year and the exciting future ahead. I had this message queued up for Friday, but could not bring myself to push send. In light of the horrific news out of Santa Fe ISD, the tone felt insensitive. 

There will be a time for that message, surely, because we have had an overwhelmingly successful school year. But it has not been without its challenges. I include the two major public school shootings in Parkland, Fla., and Santa Fe, Texas, among those challenges, because when one school community suffers, we all share in their grief and seek ways to eliminate future threats to our students and staff.

In an effort to end the year on a positive note, I have asked our chief of police, Eric Mendez, to increase police presence on every campus. I was pleased to learn from Chief Mendez that the CFPD’s thorough recruiting efforts recently resulted in a fully-staffed police force. This will be a tremendous help in bolstering the protection of each of our 91 campuses and support facilities.

I have also communicated to each principal the need for a strict enforcement of dress code. Through the end of the school year, we are asking that no students wear trench coats or other heavy clothing that could potentially conceal weapons. While we want students to dress in clothing that is comfortable in their learning environment, we feel any extra safety measure that assists our officers and administrators should be utilized.

I ask that you assist us through this transition by communicating these efforts to your students. During these anxious times, vigilance is key.

Thank you for your continued support.

~ Mark Henry, Ed.D.

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